Today, Lieutenant Governor and Gubernatorial Candidate Casey Cagle published his "Putting Students First" education agenda, in which he pledges that he "will work to pass HB 217 to substantially increase the program's funding."
As originally passed by the House earlier this year, HB 217 would provide for a cap increase up to $100 million; however, the Senate Finance Committee amended the bill reducing the cap increase to a modest $65 million. On the final day of the 2017 legislative session, the House passed an amendment to the Senate version of the bill, providing for caps of $65 million, $75 million and $85 million in 2018, 2019, and 2020 respectively, which the Senate did not pass.
At this point in time, it is unclear whether Lieutenant Governor Cagle supports an cap increase to $65 million, $100 million, doubling the cap to $116 million, or a higher amount. During the upcoming legislative session, a conference committee will attempt to reconcile the two versions of HB 217.